Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Globalization and the Digital Divide Essay Example for Free
Globalization and the Digital Divide Essay The globalization era has been developing in recent years. The use of technology has an important role in running the business. Any information about companies can be known in a second. This condition pushes the people in business to provide the accurate, detail and trusted information which is related to the company. It also makes the company compete to improve the performance of their operational activities. To help understand how modern business development, every company definitely has an orientation to make a high profit, therefore the company tries to build a good image in public. Companies will compete to increase their success both in industry and trade field. At first, the company will be profit-oriented, but as it progresses, it is not only focused on profit-making but also focused on social responsibility to keep the company alive. Companies must think about the impact on their environment. Rapid business development drives industry growth, especially in Indonesia. An industrial activity must be related to the utilization of resources and produce valuable products. This will have a direct and indirect impact on the environment. The natural resource management industry, especially the management of non-renewable resources (petroleum, natural gas, coal industries, etc.) is a short-term industry, but it has a long-term impact on the environment. Despite having a positive impact on the economy of a country, an industrial activity also has a negative impact on the surrounding environment. Negative impacts due to activities that cause environmental damage, should be minimized first for the good of the company and the community. At the same time, governments, stock exchanges, markets, investors and the public require companies to be transparent about the goals, performance, and impacts of their sustainability. Then came the practice of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in the business world. CSR is the companys contribution to the stakeholders towards sustainable development by minimizing the negative impact of operational activities. Now CSR is widely known and in Indonesia has many companies that apply it. In addition, the policy has been made regarding the disclosure of CSR as stipulated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 and mentioned that a company that carries out its business activities in relation to natural resources, is obliged to carry out social and environmental responsibility. CSR is expressed in a report called Sustainability Report. As reported in www.globalreporting.org (2017), Sustainability Report is a report published by the company about the economic, environmental, and social impacts caused by daily operational activities of the company. One of the guidelines that can be used by companies in carrying out CSR activities is the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). GRI is an international non-profit organization with network-based structure. GRI encourages the implementation of reporting with Sustainability Report as a way for companies and organizations to become more sustainable and contribute to a sustainable global economy. Companies report their activities based on principles and disclosures of standards in accordance with GRI Generation 4 (G4 Guidelines). In that way, the companies will feel the importance of CSR reporting that can improve their image, bring profit and ensure the survival of the company. However, if a company does not report CSR, it will create a conflict with stakeholders. Manufacturing is an industry whose main activity is processing or converting raw materials into finished or semi-finished goods so that goods have added value. Each processing of raw materials from manufacturers would produce waste, causes the environment to feel its impact. The large number of manufacturing companies operating in Java Island, making Java is the largest contributor of waste in Indonesia (National Geographic Indonesia, 2011). That is why covering the issue of environmental damage must be with a high skepticism. Because, besides a large number of output produced by the manufacturing company for its operational activities, it is still more output to be spent to repair environmental damage. Cases of thousands of liters of oil owned by PT Central Georgette Nusantara Printing (CGNP) that spill out pollutes Cibingbin River in Bandung, West Java makes people uneasy because the waste has been polluting the river that empties into the Sanguling Reservoir. The companys operational activities in this area cause environmental damage and harm the people around. It also causes two hectares of paddy fields managed by local people, threatened crops failing. This condition makes people consider the environmental issues are the main ones. After getting pressure from both the government and the people around the factory, the company is ultimately responsible for the environmental pollution issue. The case above pushes the role of CSR as a business-enhancing success for a company. This research is using firm size, profitability, leverage, public ownership and industry sensitivity as independent variables and CSR disclosure which uses G4 guidelines as the dependent variable. Firm size is an indicator that can indicate a condition or characteristic (large or small) of a company. Large companies are more in demand by analysts and brokers because they tend to be easy to publish financial reports and tend to be in stable performance positions (Astuti Nugrahanti, 2015). Profitability measures the overall effectiveness of management in generating profits with its assets (Smart Graham, 2010, p. 66). It means to measure the activity of the company in earned net profit. Leverage provides a description of the companys capital structure, thus it can use to see the level of risk of uncollectible debt (Fahrizqi, 2010). Public ownership is the proportion of share ownership owned by the public of the companys shares (Arthana, 2012). Industry sensitivity can be interpreted a s how big the influence of industrial activity that is directly related to the environment (Winarsih, 2015). The research about the determinant of CSR has been done by some researchers such as Arthana (2012) showed that public ownership and firm size have no significant effect on CSR disclosure. Meanwhile, leverage and profitability have a significant effect on CSR disclosure. However, it was a different research by Kusuma (2012). It showed that that firm size and public ownership have a significant effect on CSR disclosure and leverage does not affect the CSR disclosure. The research by Kusuma (2012) was support by Wijaya (2012), Zanirah (2012) and M. Nur D. Priantinah (2012) showed that firm size significantly influences, but to leverage and profitability does not affect the disclosure of social responsibility. Zanirah (2012) showed that the firm size has a positive significant effect and leverage has a negative effect, while profitability has no significant effect on CSR disclosure. M. Nur D. Priantinah (2012) showed that profitability and public ownership have no significant effect on CSR disclosure. Firm size has a positive significant effect and leverage has a negative significant effect. C. Putra (2012) has a different result compared with M. Nur D. Priantinah (2012) and Zanirah (2012). It showed that firm size has a significant effect on CSR disclosure in manufacture companies while leverage, profitability, and public ownership have no significant effect. From earlier studies that show the different effects on CSR disclosure exhibit the research gap with different variable and different object push the researcher to retest research by C. Putra (2012) by adding a variable to improve the results about ââ¬Å"THE EFFECT OF FIRM SIZE, PROFITABILITY, LEVERAGE, PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AND INDUSTRY SENSITIVITY ON CSR DISCLOSURE (A CASE STUDY OF MANUFACTURING COMPANIES LISTED IN INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE YEAR 2013-2017)â⬠Research Questions Based on the background, the research questions that are discussed in this research are: Does firm size have a partial effect to CSR disclosure on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017? Does profitability have a partial effect to CSR disclosure on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017? Does leverage have a partial effect to CSR disclosure on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017? Does public ownership have a partial effect to CSR disclosure on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017? Does industry sensitivity have a partial effect to CSR disclosure on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017? Do firm size, profitability, leverage, public ownership and industry sensitivity have a simultaneous effect to CSR disclosure on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017? Research Limitation The discussion of the problem is limited to affecting some variable to CSR disclosure, which consists of firm size, profitability, leverage, public ownership and industry sensitivity. The company which is observed is manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017. Research Purpose To analyze whether firm size has a partial effect to CSR disclosure to manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017. To analyze whether profitability has a partial effect to CSR disclosure to manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017. To analyze whether leverage has a partial effect to CSR disclosure to manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017. To analyze whether public ownership has a partial effect to CSR disclosure to manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017. To analyze whether industry sensitivity has a partial effect to CSR disclosure to manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017. To analyze whether firm size, profitability, leverage, public ownership and industry sensitivity have a simultaneous effect to CSR disclosure to manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at 2013-2017. Benefit For Company This study is expected to give information for manufacturing companies in preparing meaningful sustainability reports and making steady sustainability reporting and directed to standard practice. It contributes to the understanding of determinants of CSR disclosure to improve the implementation of disclosure guidelines. This study is expected to be an input for companies in doing consideration and decision making which will be useful in providing an additional value of the company. For investor As an overview of CSR disclosure that serves as a reference for investment decision making. For accounting department As a meaningful contribution to the accounting department to develop a study of financial management especially for CSR disclosure. For student This study helps extends the scope of previous studies by introducing independent and dependent variables engage with CSR. The results of this study are expected to be a reference and comparison for further research, which is a concern with the CSR disclosure. Glossary Firm Size Firm size is the number of assets owned by the company. Thus, the large and small of a company can be seen by its assets ADDIN CSL_CITATION { citationItems : [ { id : ITEM-1, itemData : { DOI : 10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004, ISBN : 9788578110796, ISSN : 1098-6596, PMID : 25246403, author : [ { dropping-particle : , family : Rahman, given : Arif, non-dropping-particle : , parse-names : false, suffix : }, { dropping-particle : , family : Widyasari, given : Kurnia Nur, non-dropping-particle : , parse-names : false, suffix : } ], container-title : Jurnal Akuntansi Auditing Indonesia, id : ITEM-1, issue : 1, issued : { date-parts : [ [ 2008 ] ] }, page : 25-35, title : The analysis of company characteristic influence towards CSR disclosure: Empirical evidence of manufacturing companies listed in JSX, type : article-journal, volume : 12 }, uris : [ http://www.mendeley.com/documents/?uuid=ad81e84f-e72e-4aeb-998f-b3df3f96da8f ] } ], mendeley : { formattedCitation : (Rahman Widyasari, 2008 ), plainTextFormattedCitation : (Rahman Widyasari, 2008), previouslyFormattedCitation : (Rahman Widyasari, 2008) }, properties : { noteIndex : 9 }, schema : https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json }(Rahman Widyasari, 2008). Profitability Profitability measure the focus on company profits ADDIN CSL_CITATION { citationItems : [ { id : ITEM-1, itemData : { author : [ { dropping-particle : , family : Marcus, given : Brealey Myers, non-dropping-particle : , parse-names : false, suffix : } ], edition : Lima, id : ITEM-1, issued : { date-parts : [ [ 2006 ] ] }, number-of-pages : 372, publisher : Erlangga, title : Dasar-Dasar Manajemen Keuangan Perusahaan Jilid 2, type : book }, uris : [ http://www.mendeley.com/documents/?uuid=eaa4ed05-0031-4fc6-9f14-1d31d7503a15 ] } ], mendeley : { formattedCitation : (Marcus, 2006), manualFormatting : (Marcus, 2006, p. 80), plainTextFormattedCitation : (Marcus, 2006), previouslyFormattedCitation : (Marcus, 2006) }, properties : { noteIndex : 9 }, schema : https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json }(Marcus, 2006, p. 80). Big companies are expected to earn more profit than small companies. It also measures the using of the efficiency of company assets AD DIN CSL_CITATION { citationItems : [ { id : ITEM-1, itemData : { author : [ { dropping-particle : , family : Husnan, given : Suad, non-dropping-particle : , parse-names : false, suffix : }, { dropping-particle : , family : Enny Pudjiastuti, given : , non-dropping-particle : , parse-names : false, suffix : } ], edition : Pertama, id : ITEM-1, issued : { date-parts : [ [ 1996 ] ] }, publisher : Unit Penerbit dan Percetakan (UPP) AMP YKPN, publisher-place : Yogyakarta, title : Dasar-Dasar Manajemen Keuangan, type : book }, uris : [ http://www.mendeley.com/documents/?uuid=561254b1-8c37-4dae-9f07-9552249e0f60 ] } ], mendeley : { formattedCitation : (Husnan Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996), manualFormatting : (Husnan Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996, p. 73), plainTextFormattedCitation : (Husnan Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996), previouslyFormattedCitation : (Husnan Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996) }, properties : { noteIndex : 9 }, schema : https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json }(Husnan Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996, p. 73). Leverage Leverage means measuring the companys ability to fulfill its financial obligations. It can be that leverage is measure how far the company uses debt ADDIN CSL_CITATION { citationItems : [ { id : ITEM-1, itemData : { author : [ { dropping-particle : , family : Husnan, given : Suad, non-dropping-particle : , parse-names : false, suffix : }, { dropping-particle : , family : Enny Pudjiastuti, given : , non-dropping-particle : , parse-names : false, suffix : } ], edition : Pertama, id : ITEM-1, issued : { date-parts : [ [ 1996 ] ] }, publisher : Unit Penerbit dan Percetakan (UPP) AMP YKPN, publisher-place : Yogyakarta, title : Dasar-Dasar Manajemen Keuangan, type : book }, uris : [ http://www.mendeley.com/documents/?uuid=561254b1-8c37-4dae-9f07-9552249e0f60 ] } ], mendeley : { formattedCitation : (Husnan Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996), manualFormatting : (Husnan Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996, p. 70), plainTextFormattedCitation : (Husnan Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996), previouslyFormattedCitation : (Husn an Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996) }, properties : { noteIndex : 9 }, schema : https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json }(Husnan Enny Pudjiastuti, 1996, p. 70). Public Ownership Public ownership is the proportion of share ownership owned by the public of the companys shares ADDIN CSL_CITATION { citationItems : [ { id : ITEM-1, itemData : { author : [ { dropping-particle : , family : Arthana, given : Ronny, non-dropping-particle : , parse-names : false, suffix : } ], container-title : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB UB, id : ITEM-1, issue : 2, issued : { date-parts : [ [ 2012 ] ] }, page : 1-14, title : Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan Terhadap Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (CSR) Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks LQ45 Bursa Saham Indonesia (BEI), type : article-journal, volume : 1 }, uris : [ http://www.mendeley.com/documents/?uuid=848daaaf-51e9-409e-b044-80ae139493e6 ] } ], mendeley : { formattedCitation : (Arthana, 2012), plainTextFormattedCitation : (Arthana, 2012), previouslyFormattedCitation : (Arthana, 2012) }, properties : { noteIndex : 9 }, schema : https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json }(A rthana, 2012). The bigger the share which is owned by the public, the more information will be explained, the investors want to get more information about its investment and make sure that it is safely managing then the obligation will be fulfilled. Industry Sensitivity Industry sensitivity can be interpreted as how big the influence of industrial activity that is directly related to the environment ADDIN CSL_CITATION { citationItems : [ { id : ITEM-1, itemData : { author : [ { dropping-particle : , family : Winarsih, given : Arga Mustika, non-dropping-particle : , parse-names : false, suffix : } ], id : ITEM-1, issued : { date-parts : [ [ 2015 ] ] }, title : Pengaruh Media Online , Sensitivitas Industri Dan Struktur Corporate Governance Terhadap Kualitas Environmental Disclosure Governance (Studi Pada Perusahaan High Profile di BEI), type : report }, uris : [ http://www.mendeley.com/documents/?uuid=d495d810-1aa1-41f2-8dc4-6690588eae85 ] } ], mendeley : { formattedCitation : (Winarsih, 2015), plainTextFormattedCitation : (Winarsih, 2015), previouslyFormattedCitation : (Winarsih, 2015) }, properties : { noteIndex : 10 }, schema : https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json }(Winarsih, 2015).
Monday, January 20, 2020
In Defense of Capital Punishment :: Pro Capital Punishment Essays
In Defense of Capital Punishment There are some words that often return when we defend the death penalty: justice and human dignity. These words also constitute a foundation for that which is called democracy and civilization. These two realities can also be regarded as two bearing pillars in the defense of capital punishment. Justice is a highly regarded word in society and in politics, but within the judicial system and that which concerns crime and punishment, justice has, both as a word and as a conception, ended up existing in the shadows. People want to lift forth this truth in the light, since justice should be the foundation within the legal system. When the death penalty is discussed the aspect of justice should be allowed in the foreground first and foremost. Man has an inviolable dignity and, therefore, deserves the highest respect. Human dignity and respect, not foremost for the one who hurts his fellowman but for the victims of crimes and his relatives, is something that should be brought forth considerably more than today, and especially in connection with the death penalty. But the prerequisite for that is that sympathy and solidarity with the victim should increase in society. In order to rightly value the death penalty it is necessary to have empathy and understanding for all the victims and their relatives. The capital punishment makes up one link on the way to a safer society. The capital punishment means that some heinous criminals never again will walk on the streets, and that makes the society a somewhat safer place. Murderers and violent criminals will always exist in society and the death penalty will only lower the number of criminals marginally. It is inevitable, however, that every violent criminal less that exists in a society will mean a safer society. A prison term on the other hand would mean that there would always be a pressing dark cloud of worries over a society. Also, in prisons the interns and personnel would feel safer with the death penalty. It is not unusual with conflicts, violence and murder in prison. Some interns who have been sentenced to long prison terms or lifetime would probably deter from cruel acts of violence and murder if they knew that it could lead to the death penalty. Today, on the other hand, he who has been sentenced to lifetime in prison cannot be sentenced too much more and, therefore, he would probably neither be deterred from committing further crimes. In Defense of Capital Punishment :: Pro Capital Punishment Essays In Defense of Capital Punishment There are some words that often return when we defend the death penalty: justice and human dignity. These words also constitute a foundation for that which is called democracy and civilization. These two realities can also be regarded as two bearing pillars in the defense of capital punishment. Justice is a highly regarded word in society and in politics, but within the judicial system and that which concerns crime and punishment, justice has, both as a word and as a conception, ended up existing in the shadows. People want to lift forth this truth in the light, since justice should be the foundation within the legal system. When the death penalty is discussed the aspect of justice should be allowed in the foreground first and foremost. Man has an inviolable dignity and, therefore, deserves the highest respect. Human dignity and respect, not foremost for the one who hurts his fellowman but for the victims of crimes and his relatives, is something that should be brought forth considerably more than today, and especially in connection with the death penalty. But the prerequisite for that is that sympathy and solidarity with the victim should increase in society. In order to rightly value the death penalty it is necessary to have empathy and understanding for all the victims and their relatives. The capital punishment makes up one link on the way to a safer society. The capital punishment means that some heinous criminals never again will walk on the streets, and that makes the society a somewhat safer place. Murderers and violent criminals will always exist in society and the death penalty will only lower the number of criminals marginally. It is inevitable, however, that every violent criminal less that exists in a society will mean a safer society. A prison term on the other hand would mean that there would always be a pressing dark cloud of worries over a society. Also, in prisons the interns and personnel would feel safer with the death penalty. It is not unusual with conflicts, violence and murder in prison. Some interns who have been sentenced to long prison terms or lifetime would probably deter from cruel acts of violence and murder if they knew that it could lead to the death penalty. Today, on the other hand, he who has been sentenced to lifetime in prison cannot be sentenced too much more and, therefore, he would probably neither be deterred from committing further crimes.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Just in Time Approach in Inventory Management
2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd JUST IN TIME APPROACH IN INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Abdul Talib Bon (Corresponding author) Faculty of Technology Management, Business and Entrepreneurship Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia Tel: +60127665756 E-mail: [emailà protected] com Anny Garai Faculty of Technology Management, Business and Entrepreneurship Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia Tel: +60137016298 E-mail: [emailà protected] com. y Abstract Quality improvement and costs control are vital to organizations for work performance enhancement and fulfilling customersââ¬â¢ requirement. Inventories that are stored in large amount of quantities will result in waste and space usage. One effective solution is using Just in Time (JIT) concept as a method to reduce costs, improve quality and meet the ever-changing customer needs. The adoption of Just in Time (JIT) con cepts seems to be the most effective way to overcome these circumstances. JIT is management philosophy that emphasizes on eliminating waste and increase productivity.The main purpose of this research is to find out whether the implementation of JIT would reduce the inventories at Electronics component industry especially at the parts producing stamping of FCM. This research is done by case study. Therefore the data collection would be using secondary data which is the documentation from FCM itself and also via observation. The data were analyzed by doing the comparison before and after the implementation of JIT using Microsoft words excel. From the analysis that had been done, the implementation of JIT had increased the inventories management at the stamping parts production.As the conclusion, the implementation of JIT in the inventory management at the parts production stamping at Electronics component industry had successfully reduce the inventories level while improving the inven tory level. Keywords: Stamping Production, Just in Time, inventory management, electronics component industry. 1. Introduction Globalisation phenomena had created the business without boundaries. Most of the organisation nowadays only focuses in two main elements that can influence the global market, which is customer satisfaction and also the product and services quality.Organisation all around the world need to take the initiative to increase the product quality to satisfy the needs and customer demand that always change besides minimizing the production cost. This initiative is needed to keep the challenge at the market (Canel, et al. , 2000). One of the most effective solutions is with the application of Just in Time (JIT). Application of JIT could involve few important elements at organisation such as production level, marketing level, engineering level and purchasing level. The application of JIT more focuses on management process.Therefore, JIT can be applied at varying proce ss. (Canel, et al. , 2000). JIT is the concept of management that invented specially to avoid waste. This is in order to minimize the waste and increase the productivity (Zhu and Meredith, 1995). JIT is one type of Lean Manufacturing (Yen, 2003). Lean manufacturing is the process to control the production which depends on the demand by the customers. It is also act to reduce waste. The application of Lean Manufacturing can reduce the stock, work space and the production of raw materials. This philosophy can maximize the production (Forza, 1996).At Malaysia context, application of JIT is not popular. According to Simpson, et al. , (1998), JIT had been applied by national automotive firm as a transitory JIT. Transitory of JIT is one of the ad hoc inventory models. This is can give half of the inventory in order to reduce the production 2562 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd cost beside can make the technology transfer at the i nternational level. This research is made to study the application of Just in Time (JIT) in inventory management at stamping production at Electronics component industry. 1. Background of Study At FCM there is lot type of inventories and this requires a huge space to restore it. Therefore FCM need to prepare an enough space. How ever, this situation requires FCM to overcome the cost of restore. But this is not the really big issues to FCM. What really worries FCM management is the huge batch of inventories. The batch of inventories had caused FCM loss in profit because there is no moving out of the output to customer. Therefore the cases are also not only arises due to this problem. Besides that, in Japanese firm, the concept of keeping the inventory is a big waste in industry.Based on this problem, Heizer J. & Render B. (2006), Just in Time (JIT) is the best strategy to increase the operation especially at the inventory management. However, if the raw material cannot be delivered d uring the production, there would be a big problem. 1. 2 Problem Statement This study is to elaborate the JIT application in inventory management at the stamping production at FCM. The problems that occur in this study are what is the importance of application of JIT in order to influence the inventory management at the stamping production at FCM? 1. Objective In this research, researcher has the stand to achieve the objective so that it could be archived. The objective is to study the application of Just in Time (JIT) in inventory management at Stamping Production at Electronics component industry. 1. 4 Scope Of Study The scope of study is focused at the stamping production at Electronics component industry. The main products of FCM are keyboard and relays. Respondents that involved are top management and the staff at stamping production of FCM. Data would be collected through qualitative method and be analysed quantitatively.From this study, the researcher hopes that can help Elec tronics component industry on the applications of JIT in their operation. The researcher hopes that with this study, it can help Electronics component industry and academician which is up to the upcoming researchers. 2. Literature Review JIT is not the new concept in production sector (Stevenson, 2001). It started during 1920 and being used by Henry Ford at the automation industrial. JIT is one of the Lean Manufacturing that had been introduced by Toyota Motor Corporation to increase the work quality and production.The application of JIT in Lean Production will give good return in production process. These philosophies would make the production even faster and to reduce the inventories stock. 2. 1 Lean Production and Lean Manufacturing Lean Manufacturing first introduced as systematic ways to reduce or terminate the waste. It is the management philosophy that require commitment from responsible person that relate with reduced waste, make the work procedure become smooth and optimize the production (Chase, et al. , 2001). Lean Manufacturing firstly introduced by the Toyota Motor Corporation.Which is involved the inventory management, quality control, industrial relationship, 2563 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd employee management and relationship between factory and the suppliers (Bowen and Youngdahl, 1998). JIT is one of the elements in Lean Manufacturing meanwhile Lean Production is known as Big JIT. It is the philosophy of management operation that act to terminate the waste in every aspect in production such as industrial relationship, vendor relationship, technology, raw material management and inventories (Chase, et al. 2001). Lean Production can use to reduce time, inventories, space, employees and production cost. 2. 2 Just In Time (JIT) Usually, JIT process being implemented in the organisation that reached the highest application of JIT. Wagner M. S and Silveira- Camargos V , 2009). This is because organisation and the supplier should have a good relationship and believe because when there is demand from factory, the suppliers can supply them on time. The first way to implement JIT is build a good relationship with the suppliers, customers and also sub-contractor to reduce inventory ââ¬Å"bufferâ⬠to few hours.According to Canel, et al. , (2000), JIT aims is to reduce time waiting during production process. Therefore, the cost of inventories not only can be minimized but also the time for the production also shortens. JIT concept is not saying about the standardisation or the way of managing but it really focusing on the zero inventories 2. 3 Benefits of Application of Just In Time in Lean Production The application of JIT would give a lot of benefits such as to the producer to increase the quality to fulfil the customer demands and reduce the inventories and built a good relationship with the supplier (Salaheldin, 2005).Positive of JIT application can successfu lly give benefit to three communities, which is supplier only, purchased only or both. The benefits are, reducing in inventories and time waiting for the inventories, increase the quality and technical support, increase productivity, reduce waste and machine maintenance (Wafa, et al. , 1996). JIT actually help to reduce machine maintenance and at the same time, to make sure the suppliers can produce the inventories on time (Yasin, et al. , 2001). According to Yasin, et al. 2002), the big problem of JIT application is employer issues and the suppliers. Employer issue is about the objection of JIT concept, less supportive of JIT and less of employees. 3. Methodology This study is using action research that is descriptive and makes the research by quantitative. In this study, researcher would use observation and data collection from the result of the observation. 4. Data Analysis 4. 1 Introduction This chapter would discuss and analysis the data that had been collected from FCM.There a re four different data that had been provided by the researcher according to the case. For the first case, the researcher would get the standard time during the raw material collected from the rack and the replace at the turn table using forklift. The second case is the machine die setup. Meanwhile the third case is standard time for winding process. The time is counted during the winding process and the material place at the stand before and after the winding process. For the last case, is during packing and deliver the part to the warehouse.This chapter also would discuss about type of test and analysis to the case to make sure that the data is valid and researcher can get a clear vision about the elements of Just in Time (JIT) being implemented by the FCM. 2564 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd 4. 2 Results of Study In this study, researcher would discuss the results that researcher gets from the study. All the data that had been collected by the researcher would be divided according to the case and according to the flow chart of stamping production refer to Figure 1.Figure 1 shows Standard Time (ST) and Cycle Time (CT) according to the cases that had been studied. ST = 10. 8 min CT = 10 times ST = 480 min ST = 5. 37 min ST = 17 min KES 1 KES 2 KES 3 KES 4 Raw Material Stamping Process Winding Packing Warehouse Figure 1: Stamping Flow Chart 4. 2. 1 Analysis of Case 1 This section would show the data collected from case 1 for the application before and after the part production stamping. In this case 1 (refer Figure 2) the standard time would be the counting from the raw materials from the racks to the turntable using forklift and then the return back of the forklift to the place.Refer from Figure 3 as shown the graphs for before and after the applications of JIT for case 1. ST/CT Raw Material Stamping Process Figure 2: Case 1 2565 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd Figure 3: Graph Before and After Application of JIT (Case 1) 4. 2. 2 Analysis of Case 2 For case 2, (refer Figure 4) is to reduce the standard time that is using for die setup. Figure 5 showed the graph before and after application of JIT. . ST Stamping Process Figure 4: Case 2 Winding 2566 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING d nd Figure 5: Graph Before and After Application of JIT (Case 2) 4. 2. 3 Analysis Case 3 For case 3, (refer Figure 6) is to reduce standard time for winding process. Figure 7show before and after application of JIT for Case 3. ST Winding Figure 6: Case 3 Packing 2567 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd Figure 7: Graph Before and After Application of JIT (Case 3) 4. 2. 4 Analysis Case 4 For case 4, (refer Figure 8) is to reduce standard time during packing and deliver to warehouse. Figure 9 show the application of JIT before and af ter. ST PackingFigure 8: Case 4 Warehouse 2568 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd Figure 9: Graph Before and After Application JIT (Case 4) 5. Conclusion The purpose of this study is to make sure the application of concept Just In Time (JIT) at Electronics component industry especially at the stamping production. This chapter would discuss about the results of the analysis according to the objective and problem statement. The discussion would focus in certain case at stamping production depend of the results that analyze from before and after the application of JIT.Besides that, this chapter also would discuss the suggestion. After the analysis, application JIT in inventory management at stamping production is depend on the activities below: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Raw material always in enough quantities. Work in process always at the minimum quantities. Finished good would directly deliver to buyers. Wasting work in process seldom occur. Buffer stocks always at the minimum quantity. Delivering raw material depends on demand only. Space for inventories is small. Time table scheduling is made by the suppliers.Delivering materials is more often and only at small size. 2569 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd (x) (xi) (xii) Long term relationship is built between suppliers. Suppliers is advised to use the application of Just in Time (JIT) , and The employers should give the commitment on inventories and quality. Besides that, researcher has little suggestion to the upcoming interested researchers with the concept of Just in Time. The suggestions are: (i) this research only limited at one factory which is Electronics component industry.The next researcher should broaden their scope of study; (ii) Future study on the application of JIT concept especially in the purchasing and engineering level; and further study about the elemen ts associated with JIT. References Bowen, D. E. & Youngdahl, W. E. (1998). Lean Service: In Defence of A Production-Line Approach. 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Saturday, January 4, 2020
Cathedral Essay - 598 Words
When most people think of blind people, they tend to picture a person with dark sunglasses, a seeing eye dog, and a walking stick. These are stereotypes and obviously do not remain true in the case of all blind people. In Raymond Carveramp;#8217;s short story amp;#8220;Cathedral,quot; the main character is jealous and judgmental of his wifeamp;#8217;s friend who happens to be a blind man. It is the combination of these attitudes that leads to his own unique amp;#8220;blindness.quot; It is through this initial blindness, that the character gains his greatest vision. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The short story amp;#8220;Cathedral; includes three characters. These characters include the narrator, his wife, and her blind friendâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The narratoramp;#8217;s wife had worked for Robert as a summer job, many years back. The two had kept in contact with each other through audio tapes. The narratoramp;#8217;s wife shared a special moment with Robert, he rubbed her face and felt her features. The narratoramp;#8217;s wife had written poetry about that occurrence. The fact that his wife felt that way about the event, had the narrator extremely jealous. When his wife tried to play one of the tapes that Robert had sent for her husband, the narrator paid little attention and a small distraction had him on his way. Once the narrator and Robert had a chance to actually sit down and speak with each other, the narrator finally did have an understanding and made some realizations about himself. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Robert, the narrator, and his wife spent a lot of time speaking with each other. They spoke on various subjects, and the narrator learned that Robert was an interesting character. At one point, the narratoramp;#8217;s wife leaves Robert and the narrator alone, during this time, the two men continue speaking and decide to smoke a joint together. Their conversation leads them to the topic of Cathedrals. Robert has never seen a cathedral, and the narrator has never paid too much attention to one. Robert asks the narrator to take his hand and draw a cathedral. TheyShow MoreRelatedCathedral684 Words à |à 3 PagesCathedral It is an ongoing problem that people are narrow-minded and have preconceptions. It does no one good and is an obstacle in your everyday life. By closing your eyes, the other senses, like feeling, hearing and smelling, tune in and take over. A lot can be learned from these senses and new truths can be unrevealed. In the short story Cathedral, the main character stops his prejudices and sees a new truth. The short story Cathedral takes place in the 1990s in a married coupleââ¬â¢s house inRead MoreThe Cathedral Of Canterbury Cathedral1209 Words à |à 5 PagesThe word Cathedral is a Latin word for chair ââ¬Å"Cathedraâ⬠which was taken from the Greek ââ¬ËKathedraââ¬â¢ meaning seat. 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